Happy New Year everyone!! After all that festive food and binge eating, this delicious grapefruit & ginger detox drink is just what you need to start a brand new year! A lovely blend of grapefruit juice, ginger, honey, mint & pepper with pinch of black salt can refresh, detox and rejuvenate your body. Grapefruit, a citrus fruit that is rich in anti oxidants and vitamin C amongst other nutrients is considered to be one of the best ways to detoxinate one’s body. It aids in fat burning & cleansing of the internal system. Ginger is known for its anti inflammatory properties that also aids digestion. Honey which is one of nature’s best sources of natural sweetness is also known to boost memory, suppress coughs and aid good sleep amongst a host of other health benefits. The whole reason behind sharing a detox drink recipe as the first recipe of the year is because we have a theme running for this week on a food group I manage on Facebook. The theme is ‘detox’ and members are required to share recipes of anything that fits the bill – drinks, soups, salads or any light food known to detox, heal and rejuvenate one’s body. With a few useful tips from an article on detoxing I created this recipe with the ingredients I had with me. The addition of the black salt was a last minute thing to add some ‘zing’ to the drink. The addition of honey is optional, skip it if you are trying to avoid any kind of sugar. If you are not in the detox mode and want to have this drink for fun, add more sweetness by using regular white sugar or rock candy (kadi shakkar/misri).
So folks, we have stepped into a brand new year and the fun fact is that nothing really changes :-). Life goes on the same way that it did last year and the year before last. The only thing that changes is our bodies and our minds with the passage of time. We make money, we lose some. The same applies to friends & jobs. As the trend goes every new year, I bet most of us have made massive resolutions which get broken in no time, so this year I made none. I have set some goals which of course I will talk about after I’ve achieved them. Just to get this conversation rolling I will share the goal I set for myself last year and how I achieved it. Well, you see I didn’t set any big life changing goals but I made a small move towards reducing the digital clutter in my life. The first month of 2018 went by trying to figure how I could do that. It seemed almost impossible to get off social media for the basic fact that I am a blogger and my online presence is important for the sake of my blog. I tried getting off Facebook but I had to go back to it for the reason I just cited.
I reduced my presence on Instagram and used the app only when I had to post a new recipe. This reduced a great deal of my wasteful browsing, something that catches me unawares. The next and biggest challenge was to reduce time spent on Whatsapp. I decided to request all my friends not to send me any forwards. Obviously, nobody paid any heed. I changed my profile picture to something that said ‘no forwards please’ and after a few weeks the forwards reduced in number but there were still a bunch of people who sent a steady stream of deliciously addictive forwards. Forwards that you simply love to mindlessly read & watch whilst getting that pedicure or a foot massage in a spa, except that I wasn’t sitting in one getting any kind of service done so this aimless browsing & reacting to each message was a pointless waste of time. You know that the addiction is bad when you burn some chapathis, bump into a pole on the street or worse, drop the phone in the loo. No kidding!
Over a period of months I stopped receiving forwards and stopped reacting to them when I did. Sometimes you just have to go cold turkey on certain things and the rule has to be applicable to everyone. I am not sure if this is the correct way to do a digital detox as it can upset many people but it is sometimes required save your own precious time & mental peace as all social media apps are intrusive in nature. Distraction is the key feature amongst all and moderation or balance is what can truly sustain you in the end. Not easy but you gotta do what you gotta do!
So that is some food for thought which you can wash down with this drink 🙂 Go ahead, detox that digital clutter but don’t forget to check this blog soon because I have a whole bunch of delicious recipes waiting for you. Ciao!
Click below to save this recipe on Pinterest

Grapefruit & Ginger Detox Drink
- 1/2 cup grapefruit juice freshly extracted
- 1-1/2 cups water preferably chilled
- 1 teaspoon ginger juice extracted from 2 inches of fresh ginger
- 2 teaspoons raw honey optional * see note
- a fat pinch of black salt kala namak (or a pinch of Himalayan pink salt)
- a sprinkling of pepper freshly ground
- 5-6 large mint leaves roughly torn
- Mix all the ingredients together and serve immediately. The longer you let the mint leaves seep into the water, the better the taste, so you can prepare this drink in advance too and chill it in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before serving.
The nutritional values are only indicative.
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