An egg, in my opinion, is the most versatile ingredient on this planet. You can eat it in so many different ways, in sweets or savouries. My favourite way of eating an egg is frying it sunny side up or in a curry, hard boiled and dunked in a deliciously creamy coconut milk gravy with a few spices – so delicious I tell you! Since it is Lent we try to eat very little of meats and are focusing on simpler meals. Since fish is a luxury in my house (we don’t get to buy it very often and can’t make it too frequently because of a fussy eater) we stick to chicken and eggs in our diet. However, the egg roce curry is a rare thing as the husband is not so fond of coconut milk based gravies. Anyway, I decided to treat myself and made this simple roce curry with veggies on the side – red amaranth leaves cooked ‘thel-piyao’ style – so typically Mangalorean and to add some charm to the plate I cooked up some bitter gourds with Mangalorean palm jaggery. Bitter gourds make their appearance once in a blue moon but taste wonderful when paired with this curry. The blend of flavours was simply spectacular! Hope you enjoy it too!
3. White Rice – No Recipe
Thambdi Baji link is not working.
Thanks for letting me know Nisha, the links have been fixed now. Please do check and let me know.