April was a busy month for me. My son turned eight and I had to bake a cake for his birthday. Like always, I wanted to squirm out of the deal and just place an order with a professional baker (you see, I get all jittery with baking cakes at home for occasions) but he would hear nothing of it. He said that since I had made a pretty one for his sister’s birthday he wanted something special too. Now, knowing that my son could come up with the most complex of designs I set out my conditions before hand and asked him to pick something simple. I secretly decided to make a simple chocolate cake with some buttercream frosting but as always the man coaxed me into pushing my boundaries and trying my hand at fondant again. “Again??! I exclaimed with some eye rolling and head shaking. I wasn’t going to be killing myself over rolling stubborn fondant again I said. My feeble protests fell on deaf ears and instead of showing some sympathy he asked me to make the figurines (cake toppers) too! He said we could always buy the plastic ones if my handmade ones flopped. Ok, so that sounded reassuring (or so it seemed at that moment – I didn’t know if I was getting complimented or not) and I started my online research in order to finalize a design.
Fondant to cover the cake: Homemade marshmallow fondant
The next 4 toppers were done over the next couple of days as some of them needed some resting time before the rest of the limbs could be fixed.
Friday, 29th April, the day of the party started early for me. I finished my housework early and started working on the final figurine -that of ‘disgust’. Like I said before, I felt I should have planned much ahead and finished making the figurines beforehand. Anyway, without much choice I went on to finish it by 11 am as scheduled and the proceeded to make the ‘memories’ (the little coloured balls). With the help of the birthday boy the decoration was completed by 2 p.m after which I took the time to click some pictures at home (something which I couldn’t do for my daughter’s birthday).
Today as I look back at this cake experience I think I was more calm and composed in comparison to my first cake adventure but did end up run around like a headless chicken a day before the birthday party. Reaching out to my very personal 911, my angel#2 Cherie who is a professional baker in Bangalore was the best decision ever. A gazillion Whatsapp audio messages later (try this feature, its fun!) I was heading somewhere. I encountered many challenges such as the ganache not setting on time as anticipated and not having a cake board to move the second round cake onto the main cake board. But the lessons learnt from my previous cake escapade and the fact that Cherie was with me the entire day, mitigating every problem in a very systematic way was the saving grace. It is during times like these that I count my blessings and thank the Lord for giving me such generous and helpful friends. If someone goes out of their way to spend time with you, to help you, to make sure you don’t lose face or have a breakdown, then celebrate them, bless them and cherish them forever for they are the guardian angels who live right in our midst. Thank you Cherie & Trevilla!!
Do leave your comments on this post or drop me a mail at ruchikrandhap@gmail.com
Hi Shireen,
Belated birthday wishes to your dear son. A big kudos to you for having accomplished a well made cake. Such a wonderfully made cake… Congratulations to you too… Priya
@ Priya: Thanks so much for the wishes and the compliments on the cake!! 🙂